Karma Yoga – Body’s conscious with Arul Dev on 8th to 11th April – 4 to 5.30 pm

Arul has been sharing his inner work through his books, Into Great Depth of Your Being and The Flame Within. They guide people with dynamic practices to support their inner evolution and outer creative manifestation. 


He offers workshops and retreats that aim to include the transformation of entanglements in the body and discovery of pure substance as an integral part of our regular sadhana.  


He co-facilitates weekly inner practice sessions like, ‘Love for the Divine within body’ and ‘Connecting to the mantric consciousness within the words of Savitri and Mother’s Agenda’. 


He is a guest faculty for several colleges including IIT Madras for their Self Awareness and Integral Development courses.  


He is the Founder CEO of People First Consultants which has been in the field of Talent Hiring, Coaching, Holistic Well-being, Leadership Development and Organisational Culture Development for the last 30 years.

Karma Yoga – Body’s conscious participation

“It’s IN THE WORK ITSELF – I see that – it’s in the work itself that the other work, the individual work of the body’s transformation, is done; if we were concentrated on this [the body], we would probably upset many things. It’s better to ... It’s by doing the work as we should that the body is put in the condition necessary for it to benefit from the ...”

Mother’s Agenda




Karma Yoga is conscious collaboration with the Divine in an aspect of absolute surrender. It is an alignment of the Spiritual Descent with the Ascent of our Mind, Heart and our Actions through our senses and body. All done with a remembrance of the Divine, in the presence of the Divine and ONLY for the Divine is Karma Yoga. This should become a natural condition and state of the body. We need to be fully engaged in work but yet detached, impersonal and beyond personal. With deep joy the right and full intention, process and closures in the light of Higher Consciousness should be upheld by us so that it infuses into work. Work thus can become a beautiful offering and a invitation for the Higher Consciousness to act through for ITS benefit and manifestation in the world.


In today’s world, the common enquiry is  about our desires and how should we sail through them. In these four days, we shall understand through inner processes and insights from Integral Yoga that none of our desires and ambitions should be repressed or supressed in this process of doing the sadhana of Karma Yoga nor should they shadow or overpower the purity of will of the Higher Consciousness that is inflowing. Our desires become signposts in our journey and they too can be turned towards the highest aspiration and offered to the Divine, themselves becoming the field of Karma Yoga.


Topics to be Covered


We will explore some of the aspects of Karma Yoga from the angle of deeper body work:

  • Connecting breath and body to Divine
  • Body remembering Divine at work
  • Battle of Forces and Impersonal Action
  • Landing fully into world beyond ego
  • Conscious joyful surrender
  • Equality in all works big or tiny
  • Agni as witness breath and presence
  • Inner Vision, Process Continuity and Conscious Closures – Flow Field


To join:

From India Rs. 2,250

From outside India: $33


Zoom joining details will be circulated in the morning of 8th April



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IFSC: CBIN0281354

CONTACT DETAILS: james@namahjournal.com +917094898789 & (0413) 2226263

No. 11, Saint Martin Street, Puducherry, Puducherry UT 605001, India

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