“Sri Aurobindo is constantly in the subtle physical, very active there...If you become conscious in the subtle physical you will surely meet him." The Mother
In our sadhana, we often fail to recognise the grip of the lower Nature upon us. When we sincerely and faithfully aspire for the Truth Ideal given to us by Sri Aurobindo – the ideal of complete perfection and divinization of our being – his Force begins to descend into us, first bringing to the surface all that opposes the Divine Truth within us. It is up to us to face the treality of our Lower Nature with courage, endurance and faith. When we joyfully and consciously reject and offer the lower movements of our nature, including the ones which insist that ‘you are not ready yet’ or ‘you are not purified for a higher realisation," we begin to come in touch with our Soul's aspiration to become a Divine servitor. This can eventually lead to a profound opening of the heart centre. Even as the ego creates challenges and dualities that pull us back to its dictates, Sri Aurobindo's direct action uses limitations as a springboard for our higher ascents. In this experiential workshop, we aspire to connect with His Force and invite His Action.
This is an invitation for sincere collective sadhana, where we explore ways in which we recognise the qualities of lower and higher nature, fully surrender, and open every part of our being to offer all the contents of our consciousness to the Divine while inviting Truth, Light, Harmony and Delight into our whole being. We will also aspire to discover the silvery substance that flows from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's subtle bodies to ours, making us feel vast and expanded – not just in our minds but even in our physical bodies.
Explorations over three days:
1. Opening to a Higher Ideal with the help of the Spirit of the Mind
2. Uniting different wills and aspiring with clarity
3. Opening the physical for the descent of Higher Consciousness and its Delight
4. Recognising the forces that oppose our Ascent
5. Centring Awareness in the Deeper Heart
6. Meeting the inner Guru
7. Discovering the subtle physical
8. Healing difficulties by putting them under Truth light
9. Sadhana as a way of life
To join
From India: Rs. 1,800
From outside India: $30
Zoom joining details will be shared in the morning of 20th January
Account: NAMAH, Acc no: 1235498160, Type: Savings, Central Bank of India,
IFSC: CBIN0281354
CONTACT DETAILS: james@namahjournal.com +917094898789 & (0413) 2226263