Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga with Gitanjali Angmo

Gitanjali is a social entrepreneur and educationist. She is Founder, CEO and Dean of The Himalayan Institute of Alternatives, Ladakh. Gitanjali has been a student of Sanskrit, Vedas, Upanishads and the Gita in the light of Sri Aurobindo for 35 years and brings her insights in her educational and developmental frameworks. She is a Odissi and Ballet dancer, a black belt in Karate and world champion. She is also a TED speaker, Chevening scholar at Oxford University and Women Transforming India national awardee from the Government of India.

Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga: A Radical Departure from the Life-Negating to the Life-Affirming Spirituality of the Future

Every nation exists to bring its essence as a contribution to human evolution. For India, that essence is Spirituality, the quest for the Eternal and the Infinite! It has been the fountainhead of Indian culture and the foundation of its individual and collective soul!


But what is true Indian Spirituality? How is Sri Aurobindo’s reclamation and updating of the life-affirming spirituality of the Vedas a marked departure from traditional Indian spirituality that was life-negating? 


If “man is a transitional being”, as per Sri Aurobindo and “the ever advancing pilgrim” as per the Vedas, where is he headed?


Was true Indian spirituality just a quest for individual liberation or was it an effort to establish and enjoy the 'kingdom of heaven' on earth, armed with a liberated consciousness?

Come, let’s find out!


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Overseas -- $15

Zoom joining details will be circulated in the evening of 1st March 2025



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