Excerpt from Beloo Mehra's Editorial
Sri Aurobindo speaks of the Supermind as an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature. He explains that it is in its very essence āa truth-consciousnessā. It is a āconsciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universeā (CWSA, Vol. 13, p. 558).
Only this Supramental Truth-consciousness is capable of creating a new world. Sri Aurobindo also emphasises that this Supramental is NOT a new version of the Vedantic featureless and incommunicable Parabrahman. "The supramental is not grand, aloof, cold and austere; it is not something opposed to or inconsistent with a full vital and physical manifestation; on the contrary, it carries in it the only possibility of the full fullness of the vital force and the physical life on earth. It is because it is so, because it was so revealed to me and for no other reason that I have followed after it and persevered till I came into contact with it and was able to draw down some power of it and its influence" (CWSA, Vol. 29, p. 482).
Why was Sri Aurobindo following after the Supramental? For what did he persevere so intensely, suffer so much, fully aware of āthe difficulties of the physical embodiment and the divine realisation on the physical planeā (ibid., p. 480)? He himself replies, "I am concerned with the earth and not with worlds beyond for their own sake; it is a terrestrial realisation that I seek and not a flight to distant summits" (ibid., p. 482).
For the ultimate terrestrial realisation, that of transformation of earthly life into the divine life, Sri Aurobindo came down on earth. But as Amal Kiran describes so beautifully, Sri Aurobindo represented at the same time descending Godhead and ascending Manhood. He was a spiritual pioneer, the first invoker and realiser of the Supermind which holds the original Truth, the perfect model of every term of the cosmic evolutionary travail.