Darshan Day Greetings!
In August 2022, for the 150th birthday of Sri Aurobindo, we did a special issue of Renaissance on the theme - 'Sri Aurobindo, the Eternal Presence'. This was followed by 'Sri Aurobindo, the Rishi' in August 2023. As the most natural progression, we now take up the theme 'Sri Aurobindo, the Avatar' for this special issue celebrating the 152nd birthday of Sri Aurobindo.
The Mother speaks of Sri Aurobindo as the "Future advancing towards its realisation". He is the Avatar of the Future, the one who not only declares that in the spiritual development of the consciousness upon earth "the great past ought to be followed by a greater future," but has also given world the assurance of a divine future.
Independence Day Greetings
(From the Editor's Desk)

As we celebrate 78th Independence Day today, let us remember that India’s freedom was seen by Sri Aurobindo in the larger context of the destiny of humanity. He saw India as the living embodiment of the highest spiritual knowledge, and the repository of the sublimest spiritual achievements of the human race. He wrote in Bande Mataram that India must have Swaraj in order to live for the world, "not as a slave for the material and political benefit of a single purse-proud and selfish nation, but a free people for the spiritual and intellectual benefit of the human race." (CWSA, 7: 572)


For Sri Aurobindo, India is the spiritual battlefield of the world where the final victory over the forces of the Ignorance and darkness would be achieved. He wrote about this destined mission of India in many of his writings during those revolutionary days, and also expressed that in his speeches. It was his deep inner knowledge of the truth of India’s soul and her purpose in the larger evolutionary march of humanity that guided all his work for India’s political freedom, including the ideals he put forward for his fellow revolutionaries. This knowledge was no ordinary knowledge, it was the knowledge, rather a truth-seeing, drishti of a yogi, a rishi, an Avatar.

Sri Aurobindo's in-depth and profound explanation of the concept of Avatarhood as explained in Bhagavad Gita is the best one would find anywhere. We feature in 2 parts a few selections from the relevant chapters from his comprehensive volume 'Essays on the Gita'.
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are ONE consciousness. This was affirmed repeatedly by both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother through various correspondences and talks. They worked together as One consciousness to bring down the Supramental Consciousness on the Earth. So, when it comes to speaking about the true significance of this Avataric Work, only the Mother can speak about it with perfect certitude and clarity. We highlight two passages from the Mother in our Guiding Light feature for the current issue.
This article was first published in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram journal, Mother India, 15 August 1972, under the title "Laughter of the Gods: Sri Aurobindo's Wit and Humour", Vol. XXIV, No. 7, pp. 473-479.
The author delivered this highly engaging and well-researched talk at Townhall in Auroville, in February 2011. The talk originally titled 'The Kalki Avatar' is included in the book Preparing for the Miraculous: Eleven Talks at Auroville, published by Stichting Aurofonds, 2011 (pp. 235-266).

We are presenting it in 5 parts so that each section of the author's explanation gets fully appreciated by the sincere reader. In Part 1, the author gives an excellent summary of Sri Aurobindo's explanation of the real meaning and purpose of Avatarhood.

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Our next issue will be released on September 15 which will explore the theme -
The Purpose of Art: From Beauty to Bliss


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