During these two days of exploration, we shall try to comprehend the Prana as a separate body within our gross or rather not fully conscious body. We shall practise the deeper body-work through the clues given by The Mother during the exploration of Her own Yoga of the body. A less explored science of breathing, Chaturtha Pranayama, which shares some similar clues, will also be explored briefly.
A very common tendency developed in the human beings today is exactly the opposite of what is the demand of Yoga, that is a shrinking habit developed in the body via the mind. Our lives are normally stressed and we often take up many yogic and other practices unconsciously in the same rigid or tensed states. The more relaxed we leave our body and the more we are aware of our breath the same practices can open up our body and makes it more flexible. One tangible way to relax, which also gives us spiritual benefits is connecting to the Dimension of Vastness all around and above us. While doing yoga or any other form of conscious exercise, if we can relax our body and connect to Vastness Horizontal the body feels alive, aware and more at ease. This way, the practices can open up further and we also get the benefit of expansion of our narrow self / being. This conscious expansion into the vastness around can help us to receive more peace within our body as we do dynamic movements or hold the postures.
Practising connecting to the Vastness around with the body can be a great help to develop an integral surrender, which is the ultimate effort demanded by the sadhak of Integral Yoga.
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