Growing, Deepening & Widening in Consciousness
Growing, Deepening & Widening in Consciousness

Developing our Consciousness is a fundamental requirement of our inner growth and well-being.


In Integral Yoga, our Consciousness needs to rise to meet the summits above the cognitive mind; it needs to expand to embrace the vastness of the universe; but also, simultaneously, it needs to deepen into the Truth inside, which is key to mastery of our entire being. We have to learn to integrate all the components of our individual being around this divine centre, but how are all these movements possible?


Join these dynamic sessions and an understanding of the different realms of consciousness and how the knowledge can be translated into your everyday life. Every session will be delivered in person but streamed online


To join

In person: Rs. 4,200 (lunch, tea & refreshments included)
Online: Rs. 3,200


Overseas : $48



Zoom joining details will be circulated in the evening of 11th August.




Account: NAMAH, Acc no: 1235498160, Type: Savings, Central Bank of India,

IFSC: CBIN0281354

CONTACT DETAILS: +917094898789 & (0413) 2226263

12th August  
  9.30 am - James Anderson: Identifying with the Mother’s Consciousness 
10.30 am - Refreshments
11.00 am - Sraddhalu Ranade: Ranges of Consciousness and Experiences Imminent in Our Evolution
12.00 pm - Gitanjali: ‘All Life is Yoga’
  1.00 pm - Lunch
  2.30 pm - Preeti Mahurkar: Envisioning a New Earth-Consciousness 
  3.30 pm - Lopa Mukherjee: Expanding One’s Perspective
  4.30 pm - Tea Break
  5.00 pm - Dr. Soumitra Basu Growing up Along the Supra-Cognitive Fields


13th August
  9.30 am - Dr. Alok Pandey: Growing Through Work
10.30 am - Refreshments
11.00 am - Dr. Arati Sharma: Small Steps to Grow in Consciousness 
12.00 pm - Aditi Kaul: Expanding Our Frontiers: Living More Consciously
  1.00 pm - Lunch
  2.30 pm - Dr. Monica Gulati: Getting Out of the Prison
  3.30 pm - Harendra Khurana: Consciousness in Sound: An Experiential Journey
  4.30 pm - Tea Break
  5.00 pm - Self-Reflection followed by Group sharing

James Anderson met life-threatening illness when 21, before working at the Lloyd’s Market in London for 16 years and later as a director. A sudden calling changed his life and he came to India. He has remained in Pondicherry since 2000. A writer, healer and teacher, he is Coordinating Editor of NAMAH and has published A Torch in the Dark, that examines human growth in an integral and experiential way.


Sraddhalu Ranade is a scientist, educator and scholar residing at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. He has influenced over 5,000 teachers throughout India with his immersive workshops on Integral Education. He has travelled worldwide in over 30 countries, delivering lectures and conducting programmes on education, management, self-development and yoga.


Gitanjali is a social entrepreneur and educationist. She is Founder, CEO and Dean of The Himalayan Institute of Alternatives, Ladakh. Gitanjali has been a student of Sanskrit, Vedas, Upanishads and the Gita in the light of Sri Aurobindo for 35 years and brings her insights in her educational and developmental frameworks. She is a Odissi and Ballet dancer, a black belt in Karate and world champion. She is also a TED speaker, Chevening scholar at Oxford University and Women Transforming India national awardee from the Government of India.


Preeti Mahurkar is an accomplished author and life-coach with over 25 years of experience in CSR, training and social work, specialising in Integral human development, NLP and Emotional Intelligence. She guides individuals to unlock their highest potential and conducts spiritual retreats on Integral Yoga and workshops on the art of conscious living. As a visiting faculty member at institutions like Symbiosis College in Pune, Preeti imparts invaluable life-skills training, leaving a lasting impact on her students' personal and professional growth.


Lopa Mukherjee is a psycho-spiritual counsellor, teacher, workshop facilitator, and writer residing and teaching in Pondicherry. She has conducted workshops and has done presentations on a variety of themes in several organisations, including NAMAH. Her workshops have been on drama therapy, dreamwork, inner journeys and thresholds, emotional intelligence, and so on.


Dr. Soumitra Basu. a consultant psychiatrist based in Kolkata and Pondicherry, who works with Consciousness paradigms in health and psychology. He conducts workshops on personal growth and is a Founder-Editor of NAMAH. He is author of Integral Health and has developed a module of Consciousness-based Psychology with Michael Miovic (USA) with both co-authoring a book with that name, based on the wisdom of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.


Dr. Alok Pandey is a medical doctor specialising in psychiatry, practising at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. He has conducted several workshops on diverse subjects in India and abroad and contributed numbers of articles on different subjects in various Indian and International journals. He has authored three books and also edits All India Magazine, a monthly journal of the Sri Aurobindo Society. He is also a Founder-Editor of NAMAH.


Dr. Arati Sharma is a homoeopathic consultant who has practised for 27 years and Director of the Sri Aurobindo Centre for Homoeopathy (SACH). Beforehand, she used to be a Lecturer at S.K Homoeopathic Medical College, Beed, Maharashtra and worked at the Volontariat in Pondicherry, treating leprosy patients and underprivileged children. She has worked as an editor and writer for Homoeopathic Clinical Case Recorder and NAMAH.


Aditi Kaul is a seeker working towards bringing the perennial wisdom of self-knowledge to the field of psychology and developing ways that can facilitate an integral approach towards life. ‘Conscious living is a full-time job’ is her living aspiration. Currently, she teaches Integral Yoga Psychology at university level and also conducts online sessions focused on dialogue-based enquiry and self-exploration.


Dr. Monica Gulati is an immunologist by training, who realised that scientific research was not her calling, while studying at the University of Zurich. Cancer made her realise that her truth was the way of the heart. She lives fearlessly through every movement, reading every inner message to meet the challenges of existence. A relentless explorer, she feels graced to be on this inner journey, hand-in-hand with her fellow-travellers.


Harendra Khurana has studied music for 40 years. After engaging in commercial music, he realised the power of sound as a performer and teacher. He went deeper in his research into sound and its effects on wellness. He initiated Resonance— a technique using the boundless power of the human voice along with bija mantras to heal and harmonise. At The Sound Space™, he uses his deep understanding of sound to aid people with different needs.

No. 11, Saint Martin Street, Puducherry, Puducherry UT 605001, India

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